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Welcome to MAAM's membership and Event Registration Website

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Welcome to the MAAM Member Portal: the membership and event registration website for the Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums.

On the MAAM Member Portal, you can join MAAM or renew your membership.

You can also register for upcoming MAAM events, donate to MAAM, and view our membership directory* and industry partner directory*.

*The MAAM Member Directory and Industry Partner Directory are both exclusively available only to active MAAM members.

The mission of the Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums (MAAM) is to support and promote excellence, ethics, and accessibility in museum practices to make the museums of the Mid-Atlantic region better able to preserve and interpret our diverse cultural, scientific, and aesthetic heritage. 

Wild Apricot is web-based software that helps us to manage our membership and events.

Please join us for an upcoming event! See below for more information:

Why join MAAM?

At MAAM, our goal is to ensure you are connected to an extensive network of museum professionals, educational opportunities to further your career, and the latest news from the field. Membership to MAAM is the way to stay in the know!

So what other benefits does your membership provide?

  • Significantly discounted rates for the Annual Meeting and Building Museums Symposium. (Attend one of these conferences and your membership has just paid for itself!)
  • Free Job and Internship postings on MAAM website for 30 days and social media outlets (Again, post just once and your membership has paid for itself!)
  • Invitations to networking opportunities across the region
  • Access to association communications and online resources shared exclusively with MAAM members

Joining MAAM has never been easier, and neither has renewing your membership!


Individuals working in museums and independent museum professionals.  $50.00 Annually

Students, volunteers, board members, unemployed individuals seeking museum opportunities, and retirees. $25.00 Annually

Corporate and Institutional Members, please complete this form to process your membership!

Have a question not answered on this site? Email us at

Mailing Address:
PO Box 4, Cooperstown, NY 13326

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software